What is teledildonics and how does it work

What is teledildonics and how does it work

November 29, 2023 Raphael 0

In a world driven by technological advancements, Sex is no exception to innovation. Teledildonics, a term that may sound futuristic and unfamiliar, is rapidly gaining popularity for its ability to redefine long-distance relationships and elevate sexuak experiences for couples or single people.

Sex toys tech is a field where advancements are propelled not just by curiosity and necessity but also by the ever-evolving demands of a sector that often leads the charge in technological progress – pornography. In Spain there is a crazy demand for teledildonics toys because of mujeres desnudas (naked women) in adult XXX videos.

Advantages of open source programming in business

Advantages of open source programming in business

November 27, 2023 Raphael 0

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, where adaptability is key, the advantages of open source programming in business have become increasingly evident. This article delves into the multifaceted benefits that open source solutions bring to the corporate table.

From fostering innovation to bolstering security, open source programming has emerged as a game-changer for businesses globally.

IE6ify Bookmarklet

August 8, 2020 Raphael 0

Perhaps one of the most known projects of ElbertF, the IE6ify Bookmarklet. He has managed to reproduce exactly how websites were likely to look like in Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) all thanks to a simple bookmarklet. Individuals usually neglect just how much of a monopolistic juggernaut Microsoft once was: Web Explorer 6, at its optimal in 2004, thanks to its packing with Windows XP, was […]

Swiftlet 3.0

August 5, 2020 Raphael 0

Swiftlet, a light-weight PHP framework built for speed and security launched by Raphael several years ago in it’s version Swiftlet 1.1 Stable (see below more about that original version). Over time however, a lot of functionality was added and started to suffer from feature creep. The original intention of creating a maintainable framework that was easy to pick up was a bit lost. After a […]

Free transform plugin for Raphaël JS

August 2, 2020 Raphael 0

After doing some research for work involving client-side image manipulation, he did focus on creating Raphaël, a JavaScript library that simplifies working with vector graphics on the web. One thing he was struggling from time to time was applying multiple transformations to an element. When rotating an object the coordinate plane rotates with it which means dragging no longer works as one might expect (e.g. […]